Chun Sue

Chun Sue was born in northern China in 1983 and is considered a representative of China's transformation generation. She has published five novels, three essay collections and two poetry collections. Her first two novels – including “Beijing Doll” (2002) – were temporarily banned by Chinese authorities, but are now back in print. Some of her works have already been translated into English.

Chun Sue

According to Chun Sue, she was immediately relaxed on the first day on what is probably the most exclusive island in Berlin. She will now live and work there for two months.

“The energy is just right. I feel inspiration and have a very good feeling that I can create something new here during the residency.”

“China's Female Artists Reside in Berlin-Schwanenwerder” – a cooperation between the Gesellschaft für Deutsch-Chinesischen kulturellen Austausch e. V. (GeKA e. V.) and Cordts Art Foundation